
死神 bleach改編成的網頁遊戲受歡迎麼?

另外自今日起到8日也會在官方Twitter舉行連動活動,只要死神 bleach玩家進行登記即可獲得「[★6] アレックス ver.ぷよ番隊」。另外,飾演露琪亞的杉咲花則表示,「因為現場看不到惡靈(指虛),除了要加強想像力之外,還會與導演邊討論邊拍攝。從實機畫面也可以發現與同屬劍客類的索隆較勁之餘,也有主角大絕月牙天衝等魄力滿滿的場面。涵蓋動畫製作體系多面向的「有道理講座Vol.1 動畫業界最前線」,從8月4日~12日,陸續於台北及台南兩地舉辦講座與工作坊。
全球限量4部的動漫節限定版PS4 DUALSHOCK®4無線控制器(冰河白)。高中時便加入手塚治虫的動畫公司,除了擁有1980年代《宇宙戰士巴爾迪歐斯(宇宙戦士バルディオス)》的人物設計、《超獸機神(超獣機神ダンクーガ)》、《甜甜仙子(魔法のプリンセス ミンキーモモ)》……等作畫監督之豐富實績,更是業界首度創下一人擔綱原畫之紀錄,連「物語」系列導演 新房昭之都是其粉絲的資深動畫師 上條修,故特別安排2天8小時的工作坊,由他親自教授作畫實技,第一天先從原畫和律表基礎進行說明;第二天則實際演練動作張力及表現手法,讓參加者體驗手繪動畫的樂趣。
電影改編自漫畫家久保帶人的已完結人氣作品《 BLEACH 死神》,故事描述死神朽木露琪亞在人間界追捕名為「虛」的怪物時,撞進從小有強烈靈力的黑崎一護房內,虛攻擊了一護的家人,在與虛的戰鬥中露琪亞受了重傷而無法行動,情急之下她將死神的靈力分給一護,將自己的斬魄刀插進一護體內,卻發現一護擁有比一般死神還要強大的靈力以及自己的斬魄刀。  想要瀏覽更多關於死神BT麼?那就來點擊官網 http://ssbt.okaygame.com/


One Piece Online evaluation: feel the charm of pirates game

The Japanese animation "ONE PIECE" has always been on the top board of the Japanese animations since 1990, so we can imagine what a large fans does it have. Today I want to share the game named "One Piece Online". It is developed by the JoyGames ,and it is also a large-scale web game with the official authorization. Now let’s take a look at our familiar Luffy and Zorro on how they will start their sailing venture!

Screen and Sound:★★★★

As the game is developed by the JoyGames, players can enjoy the authentic experience of sailing. According to the video, we can find that the game’s plot and characters are the same as the animation. Although I don’t know Japanese, I can figure out the casts are also original. When we start the game, we can see a screen which can be divided into three sections: front background, background and architectural background. The front background is the sea far away from our sight. When sun shines, the sea looks bling. Besides the sky looks really beautiful and romantic because of the floating clouds and the flying birds. The background is the misty mountains far away from here. And the most highlight is the architectural background which can be moved around. The architectural background works as not only a building role, but also a function system. The fight screen is much original, such as Luffy’s beat and Usopp’s slingshot which are used with simple special effects. All in all, with these original screen and sound, we are easy to be passionate with the game.

Game Operation:★★★☆

Although the game is a card game, it is quite different from traditional card games. Players can decide the order of team members by moving the cards. When you start the game, you can choose to release skills. Or you can just turn on the automatic attack, and the system will process the game itself. When you pass one chapter, you can choose to sweep this chapter and the treasures will be automatically collected by the system. Is it very suitable for lazy guys?

Character Equipment:★★★★

Since ancient times, sailing ventures have always been very dangerous. Thus in order to protect ourselves, equipments are necessary. The equipments of the game are for characters and boats. Every character has his unique equipments and skills. Thus character equipments are various and players can enjoy the game better. If you want to upgrade equipments, you need cell props to achieve. The boats’ weapons are various,too. There are attack weapons and treat ones. The design of the boats’ weapons is good for players to enjoy the game fight better. All in all, to make our sailing team much stronger to challenge the final fight, we have to upgrade our equipments continuously.

Chapter System:★★★☆

The chapters of the game are named with short titles of stories, such as “straw hat worn Luffy ” and “Battle in Aruba ”. Each chapter is further divided into small ones. When you pass through the whole chapter, you can obtain a treasure box to receive rewards. If you think the enemies of the default map is too weak, you can choose to turn on the elite mode, then you can challenge a group of crazy demons.

Battle System: ★★★☆

     Players can brush instance zones to upgrade themselves by consuming spirits and then unlock some new and interesting incidents. What interesting incidents will happen during the sailing venture? For example, “Drive away the invasion” , “Treat others drinking” and so on. These interesting incidents will let players stay away from reality and come into the “One Piece” world. Players can only through venturing and challenging continuously to have more chance to obtain better cards. Who will be your defeated opponents?

Reward System:★★★☆

The charming thing of the game is its reward system. Besides daily attendance、landing packs、task packs, there are also liveness、online activities and free card-drawing system for players. If one want to be the best player, he can draw cards 10 times. All in all, players can enjoy the full fun of the game.

Game Conclusion:★★★★

Recommend to players: those who like“One Piece”
Recommended reason: original display、classical characters、multiple play
After playing the game “One Piece Online”, I can feel that there are still great space for the game to develop its screen、its play and its social contact system. If these parts are improved, I am pretty sure the game will be a looking forward new version. Since “One Piece Online” is the first tower defense web game, why don’t you play the game first?


Dragon Ball Z Fighters Rekindle the Fire on App Store

Dragon Ball Z Fighters is produced according to the famous manga Dragon Ball, which is with focus on card collecting and nurturing and fierce battles. As the best Dragon Ball mobile game of 2015, Z Fighters will be available for download on the IOS App Store on May 19, 2015 with your Iphone and Ipad.

App Store download address: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/z-fighters/id952941839
Z Fighters Offical site: http://www.dbzgames.me/

Z Fighters APP includes many of the exciting storylines such as the Red Ribbon Army, World Martial Arts Tournament, the Namekians, Androids attack and Cell’s game, Play dragon ball Z Fighters, all these adventures will rekindle the fire in you.

Z Fighters Online Pictures from DbzGames site:

Game Feature:
In the game, sign-in for 7 days continuously will receive Super Saiyan Vegeta (Level S). Master’s training can help your partners quickly upgrade. Hundreds of special effects accurately reproduce the battle scene, while original sound effect matches with IMAX full-scale picture to create a feast for the senses in this DBZ game.

Battle introduction:
New Dragon Ball game Z Fighters, the battle mode is really unique. It is split to three rounds with the first 2 rounds as single combat, each partner challenges one enemy. If after 2 rounds and the winner is unsure, then the 3rd round would start which compares all partners’ Ki. Whichever sides’ partners lose in comparing Energy Wave will lose the final round.

For the 10 years after defeating Majin Buu, it’s time for you to write the blank history.